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  • How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalization

    Globalization is the buzz-word du jour. But according to Nayan Chanda, director of publications for the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, humanity has been “globalizing” throughout its existence. We’ll talk this hour with Chanda, who’ll speak to the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations on Wednesday. His new book is “Bound Together: How Traders, […]

  • The U.S. Relationship with Tunisia

    How can the U.S. better engage with its allies in the Middle East and Africa? We’ll talk this hour with His Excellency Mohamed Nejib Hachana, Ambassador of Tunisia to the United States. He’ll speak about U.S./Tunisia relations and his experiences as Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, and Kuwait at the World Affairs Council […]