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  • The Dark Side of Internet Freedom

    Could worldwide freedom and democracy be threatened by the free flow of information? We’ll talk this hour with Evgeny Morozov, contributing editor to Foreign Policy Magazine and Schwartz Fellow at the New American Foundation. His new book is “The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom” (Public Affairs, 2011).

  • Dorks, Dweebs, Techies, and Trekkies

    Why is being a nerd seen as a bad thing? We’ll spend this hour with Bennington College professor of psychology, David Anderegg, Ph.D. He addresses the rising tide of anti-intellectualism and more in his book “Nerds: How Dorks, Dweebs, Techies, and Trekkies Can Save America and Why They Might Be Our Last Hope” (Tarcher, 2011).