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  • 3311

    Brian Schultz, Studio Movie Grill

    The owner and CEO of Studio Movie Grill, Brian Schultz, tells how persistence with movie distributors paid off in getting first-run films – and how his dine-in theater chain lures patrons to linger long after the credits roll.

  • Bruce Sammis, CEO of Lockton Dunning Benefits,

    Bruce Sammis, Lockton Dunning Benefits

    Bruce Sammis, CEO of Lockton Dunning Benefits, talks about sweeping changes facing employers brought on by health care reform. Sammis details factors he sees as key to containing soaring medical costs. Learn how a trend toward paying providers for healthy patient outcomes may revolutionize the industry.

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    Steve Ivy, Heritage Auctions

    Heritage Auctions CEO Steve Ivy talks with host Lee Cullum about the business of buying and selling collectibles. Ivy shares how his passion for collecting coins as a boy led to heading the third-largest auction house in the world.

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    Maxwell L. Anderson, Dallas Museum of Art

    Maxwell L. Anderson recaps his first year as Director of the Dallas Museum of Art, and looks ahead to the launch of free admission and free membership coming to the DMA.