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Darren Rodgers, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas

CEO 682

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
July 29, 2011

This month on CEO, Lee Cullum welcomes Darren Rodgers, President of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. The state’s largest health care insurer is gearing up for sweeping changes to the industry. As new legislation attempts to provide broader access to health care services, questions remain on who will pay and at what price. Rodgers discusses preventive measures his company is taking to combat staggering medical costs.

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Full biography:
Darren Rodgers is responsible for promoting the health and wellness of over 4.6 million members of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) and all the communities the company serves by ensuring access to cost-effective, quality health care. Before assuming the presidency of BCBSTX, Darren held three other officer-level positions with the company. He has been with BCBSTX since March of 1992.

Rodgers is proud to serve as president of the Caring for Children Foundation of Texas, Inc. which provides access to free immunizations and health screenings for medically underserved populations in Texas. Additionally, Rodgers serves on the board of directors of several other nonprofit corporations including the Texas Health Institute which brings together representatives from business, health care and government to identify and analyze emerging scenarios in the health care industry, Texas CASA which advocates for abused and neglected children in the court system and is the current chairman of the board of The Health Industry Council of the North Texas Region. Texas Governor Rick Perry appointed Rodgers to the board of the Texas Health Services Authority which promotes and coordinates the development of electronic health information exchange in Texas.

Rodgers earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Georgia, a Master of Arts degree from Duke University, a Master of Business Administration degree from Tulane University and a Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution from Southern Methodist University. Additionally, Rodgers is a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist as designated by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and is a Certified Health Insurance Executive as designated by America’s Health Insurance Plans.

Related links:
• NPR: US Appeals Court Upholds Obama Health Care Law
• Wall Street Journal: Employers May Drop Health Coverage
• Dallas Morning News: Texas Health and Blue Cross Settle Contract