Steve Ivy, Heritage Auctions
CEO 1069Steve Ivy
CEO, Heritage Auctions
Friday, February 1, 2012
Heritage Auctions CEO Steve Ivy talks with host Lee Cullum about the business of buying and selling collectibles. Ivy shares how his passion for collecting coins as a boy led to heading the third-largest auction house in the world. Also, learn how the company’s online presence dominates competitors Sotheby’s and Christie’s.
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Full biography:
Steve Ivy started his business in 1964, at the age of 14, advertising rare coins for sale in national publications. Six years later, at the age of 20, he incorporated and opened his business in a downtown Dallas high rise. In 1982, Steve and James Halperin merged companies to form Heritage Auctions. His primary responsibilities now include management of the marketing and selling efforts of the company, the formation of corporate policy for long-term growth and corporate relations with financial institutions.
Mr. Ivy previously served as the President of the Board of Directors of the Professional Numismatists Guild; Chairman of The Industry Council for Tangible Assets; and as a Board Chair of Dallas Challenge. Mr. Ivy currently serves on the Board of the National Center for Policy Analysis, and as the Finance Chair of the Phoenix House of Texas.