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Art&Seek Jr: All The World’s A Stage…And A Screen At These Kid-Friendly Events 23

If there’s a silver lining to the dreary, boring winter months it’s that it throws a spotlight on all the really cool INSIDE things going on in our neck of the woods. True, we’re not experiencing the ridiculous cold our neighbors to the north are enduring right now, but blustery weather is a good reminder that you don’t need a sunny day, or even semi-warm temperatures to have a good time.

Take a peek at these stage and screen events happening this weekend. They’re the perfect escape from old man winter and one will remind you that spring is just around the corner…maybe.

Being obedient isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just ask Ella of Frell the heroine of Dallas Children’s Theaters’ latest offering ‘Ella Enchanted: The Musical.’ In this Cinderella story with a twist, Ella is forced to live with the “gift” of being forced to do anything people command; whether it’s hopping on one foot all day or telling her best friend that she hates him. She finally has enough and sets out on a journey to break the spell and change her fate. The show is full of lively songs, colorful costumes, and a cast of characters you’ll love–even the really, really mean ones you’ll love. The characters occasionally walk through the aisles and engage audience which is thrilling for the littles. At the show I attended, Lucinda, the well-meaning, but clueless good fairy, asked the audience if they liked weddings. The iddy-bitty beside me could barely contain herself as she shouted, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” See Ella and her friends weekends through Feb. 24.

Photo: Pocket Sandwich Theatre

If it’s audience participation you want look no further than ‘Zorro: The Legend Lives’ at Pocket Sandwich Theatre. Celebrate the 100th birthday of the famous literary character known at The Fox at this silly, popcorn-tossing comedy-spoof. Watch the adventures (and misadventures) of the legendary, swashbuckling hero as he slashes many a “Z,” ducks plenty of popcorn, and fights for justice, equality, and all that stuff…Boo for the defender of the oppressed and hiss at the bad guys through Feb. 16.

Photo: The Bilge Pumps

Nothing chases away the winter blues like a good dose of the sillies…and some pirate songs. Lucky for you Grand Prairie’s own local pirate band, the Bilge Pumps will be at Uptown Theater this Saturday night for an evening full of pirate music and nautical nonsense for the entire family. The Pumps will be doing material from their latest CD, “Planned Piratehood.” As a bonus, there will also be pre-show of pirate poetry by Seadog Slam who will be entertaining everyone with salty rhymes in the lobby. The Pirates on the Prairie VIII show starts at 6 don’t be a scurvy dog and miss out!

Kids ages 3-6 who love movies should head on over to the Sid Richardson Museum this Saturday morning (with their adult companions ) for a rootin’ tootin’ good time. They’ll be showing episodes of  ‘Sheriff Callie’s Wild West.’ This week, the museum will screen “Sparky’s Lucky Day” and Peck’s Bent Beak.” After the film, mosey on out to the gallery for a fun activity. The Family Film Series is free but registration is required so don’t wait! 

Everyone’s favorite February rodent takes center stage at the Dallas Arboretum this Saturday morning for a Groundhog Day Celebration. That’s right, Arboretum Annie, Dallas’ newest groundhog meteorologist will be on hand bright and early (7 a.m.) at the Arboretum to tell us what we’re all dying to know–Are we done with winter?  After Annie shares her wisdom, guests are invited to snap a selfie or two with her, make groundhog crafts, and watch the iconic “Groundhog Day” movie. But wait! There’s more! Guests are encouraged to wear any type of hat for a Groundhog Day hat contest. Materials will be provided on site for you to further embellish your hat. At the end of the event, a hat contest winner will be announced and will receive a prize.