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Art&Seek Jr: Remedies For The Back-To-School Blues 22

A crazy thing has happened  in our house. My daughter, who was just a tiny baby in my arms a few weeks ago, has started high school. Okay, I’ll concede maybe it’s been longer than a few weeks since she was a tiny baby, but it sure feels impossible that she’s in high school. This feeling was reinforced when I dropped her off for Freshman orientation last week. As I drove away she looked so small standing there amongst the grown-up upperclassmen. I swear I caught a glimpse of the kindergartner I walked to school for the first time 9 years ago. I know it’s a cliche, but it’s very true when they say, “they grow up so fast.”

My daughter is excited about this new chapter in her life. Me? Not so much. Much like that 8-year-old who’s anxious about 3rd Grade, I’m a little out of sorts about the end of summer and this new beginning.

Jumping back into the school routine can make everyone a little out of sorts. Step back and take a break with one of these family-friendly events picked just for you.

Noah Weisberg as Willy Wonka and company. Roald Dahl’s”Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” Photo by Joan Marcus

When you’re feeling blue there’s better than chocolate to make you feel better. No one knew this better than Roald Dahl, the author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” See Dahl’s amazing tale come to life on stage with all of the characters and songs you loved from the film. You can grab the Golden Ticket this weekend at the Winspear Opera House. 

You know what’s even better than chocolate when you’re feeling out of sorts? Cat videos! Grab your gloomy Guses and head to the Texas Theatre this Thursday night for the NY Cat Film Festival. The show, put on by the Video Association of Dallas, features a whole slew of kitty-cat cinema that will turn those frowns upside down. because a portion of the proceeds will go to Dallas Pets Alive, an organization dedicated to helping and fostering companion animals in North Texas.

Round up your little dogies and head to Denton for the final weekend of the North Texas Fair and Rodeo. In addition to rides, food, livestock shows, and of course, rodeo, there are also lots of activities for your little buckaroos. They can ride a mini-tractor in the Peterbilt Kid Zone, meet Levi the mini horse, or check out the Junior Livestock Judging Contest.

Scary storms pop up suddenly. Find out where they come from at Heard’s appropriately named event, “It Was Dark and Stormy Night.” You and the littles can explore the Heard’s new weather station and find to out what causes those summer-time thunderstorms. You can also explore the night sky using the Magic Planet digital global display, and take part in a variety of family-friendly activities.

For even more kid-friendly events, explore the Kids & Family section of the Art&Seek calendar.