Embracing Life After Fifty
August 6, 2013Is there a better way to view the inevitability of getting older?
Is there a better way to view the inevitability of getting older?
Do boys and girls require different sets of tools to be prepared for life? We’ll spend this hour with family therapist and best-selling author Michael Gurian. The third volume in his trilogy of books on boys is “The Purpose of Boys: Helping Our Sons Find Meaning, Significance, and Direction in Their Lives” (Jossy-Bass, 2009).
Archive from 5/17/07 – How do you decide how you’ll raise your kids? Will you take your parents’ advice? What about friends and what you’ve seen in the media? Michael Gurian, author of “Nurture the Nature: Understanding Your Child’s Unique Core Personality” (Jossey-Bass, 2007) joined us in May to explore the issues that parents face […]
How do you decide how you’ll raise your kids? Will you take your parents’ advice? What about friends and what you’ve seen in the media? We’ll explore the issues that parents face today with family therapist Michael Gurian, author of “Nurture the Nature: Understanding Your Child’s Unique Core Personality” (Jossey-Bass, 2007).