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  • Much longer title about the current state of things

    Ut aliquet blandit dictum. Nullam tincidunt neque eget orci euismod, ac pellentesque tortor ultrices. Sed in velit faucibus massa tincidunt accumsan ut eget sem. Curabitur vel eros ac sapien mollis malesuada quis non eros. Praesent tellus leo, cursus ut hendrerit vel, accumsan eget tellus. Cras vestibulum nibh at nisi pellentesque, sed tristique lorem eleifend. Aliquam […]


    Nullam a nulla mattis, congue diam a, imperdiet tortor. Cras posuere lectus ac ante porttitor, sit amet cursus est lacinia. Pellentesque at pellentesque nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur ac tellus ante. Suspendisse imperdiet vestibulum mattis. Duis viverra vitae mauris ut mo

  • KNews 1

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut viverra ipsum, et dictum mi. Donec sed sapien ac tellus facilisis fringilla ut quis mi. Vestibulum a ultrices est, a laoreet urna. Nam ultricies, elit ac interdum cursus, odio odio tristique lectus, a dapibus mauris felis et est. Quisque vestibulum lacus mi, ac tincidunt augue […]

  • 480

    Pat Stanton, Baker Botts

    Pat Stanton, partner in charge of the Dallas office of Baker Botts, details her 30-year career in law. Learn how Stanton manages strategy for her office while heading up the firm’s real estate group around the world. In business for over 170 years, the law practice has been home to generations of the Baker family including former Secretary of State, James Baker III.

  • John Mackey, Whole Foods Market

    John Mackey, Whole Foods Market

    On the April episode of KERA’s CEO, Whole Foods Market’s John Mackey talks about early challenges the company faced reaching a skeptical public, along with the company’s future and his call for a new age of corporate leadership.

  • Bruce Sammis, CEO of Lockton Dunning Benefits,

    Bruce Sammis, Lockton Dunning Benefits

    Bruce Sammis, CEO of Lockton Dunning Benefits, talks about sweeping changes facing employers brought on by health care reform. Sammis details factors he sees as key to containing soaring medical costs. Learn how a trend toward paying providers for healthy patient outcomes may revolutionize the industry.