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KERA Think Rundown – Week of 1/23/12

KERA Radio, News Releases 68

Think airs Monday to Thursday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. on KERA FM. Encore airings of Think can be heard Monday to Thursday nights on KERA FM beginning at 9:00 p.m. Podcasts and streamed video are available online at

Monday, 1/23

Hour 1:  What happens when a woman flees her homeland for the perceived safety of America, only to be pursued relentlessly across her new country? We’ll talk this hour with award-winning novelist and storyteller Luis Alberto Urrea, whose new book is “Queen of America: A Novel” (Little, Brown and Company, 2011).

Hour 2:  What determines how a woman approaches her dual responsibilities to career and family? We’ll examine several factors this hour with Sarah Damaske, assistant professor of Labor Studies & Employment Relations, and Sociology at Pennsylvania State University and a regular contributor to the Huffington Post. Her new book on the subject is “For the Family?: How Class and Gender Shape Women’s Work” (Oxford University Press, USA, 2011).

Tuesday, 1/24

Hour 1:  What would the world be like if people just had better manners? We’ll find out this hour with investigative humorist and journalist Henry Alford. His new book is “Would It Kill You to Stop Doing That: A Modern Guide to Manners” (Twelve, 2012).

Hour 2:  How did the Occupy Movement get started and what is the prognosis for the group’s future? We’ll talk this hour with Nathan Schneider, journalist and editor of the blog Waging Nonviolence. His piece “Some Assembly Required: Witnessing the birth of Occupy Wall Street” appears in the current issue of Harper’s magazine.

Wednesday, 1/25

Hour 1:  What will it take to empower and educate the world’s poorest children? We’ll spend this hour with Rodrigo Arboleda Halaby, chairman and CEO of the One Laptop Per Child Foundation. He’ll speak to UT Arlington’s College of Engineering this evening.

Hour 2:  What is the role of science in public policy and what are the moral responsibilities of scientists? We’ll spend this hour with Heather Douglas, Ph.D., the Wolfe Chair of Science and Society at the University of Waterloo and author of “Science, Policy, and the Value-Free Ideal” (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009). Douglas will deliver the UTD Center for Values in Medicine, Science and Technology Lecture this evening.

Thursday, 1/26

Hour 1:  It’s a proven fact that (almost) everyone tells a lie or two from time to time. But do we ever deceive ourselves and how would we know it if we did? We’ll talk this hour with Robert Trivers, professor of Anthropology and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University and author of “The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life” (Basic Books, 2011).

Hour 2:  How many languages do you speak and what makes some of us better-equipped to learn languages that others? We’ll talk this hour with linguist and writer Michael Erard whose new book is “Babel No More: The Search for the World’s Most Extraordinary Language Learners” (Free Press, 2012).